Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Emma's Baptism!


Emma's Baptism

Emma's 1st LONG Car Trip!

Emma took her 1st trip to all the Grandma's Houses! We went back for Emma's baptism and Aunt Carrie's graduation from college. Here's some pics - I'll tell more about our trip later - but the BEST part - EMMA LEARNED TO ROLL OVER!!!! I'll try to get it on video and post it soon!!!

Emma in the Cradle her Great Grandpa Hallquist made.

Great Grandma Pete, Cousin Lauren and Emma

Great Grandma Hallquist and Emma

Friday, May 16, 2008

3 Months Old!

Emma watching her mobile!

Little Miss Emma!

Emma and Daddy!

Emma was 3 months old on Wednesday! She's still in some newborn clothes - but too long to wear newborn sleepers. I think we're doing a little growing right now though - she looks bigger every day!

Normally Emma hates being on her tummy - but Miss Patty is working on it at Daycare and we're working on it at night. Tonight - she played on her tummy for 10 minutes - and then this....Watch the video of Emma sucking on her fingers - and more amusing to me - listen to her! Turn the volume up and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kentucky Derby 2008

The Greatest 2 Minutes in Sports!

The Annual "Soprano's" Shot of the Guys

Yes - another Derby has come and gone. It's definately my favorite time of year. This year was a little different with Little Miss Emma in the picture. Derbyfestival means Zach is gone day and night - poor guy was working from 8 AM until 3 AM the next morning everyday for 2 weeks straight. Which meant Emma and I were on our own! Al and Andrew were down for a few days - which helped - but we were very lonely without daddy home! We made it though - and my present was Derby!!! Emma got to spend her 1st day without us. She spent the entire day (from 8 AM until after 8 PM) with Renee, Kyle and Lauren. She went with them to her own Derby party while Zach and I got all dressed up for Derby! We spent the day eating, drinking and having a good time with co-workers and friends at the Miller and Bud Tents on the 1st Turn of the track. If you Ever get the chance to experience Derby - Do it!!! It's something you'll never forget. Of course this year had a sad ending - with Eight Belles breaking both front legs at the end of the race.
All Dressed Up!

The Monday after Derby I started back to work and Emma started her Daycare. Emma is going to Almost Home Infant Daycare (only 0 to 1 year olds). And just like the name - it is almost like home. It's a small daycare and Emma's class is her and 3 other boys - yes - we're already boy crazy!!! She is the "Queen" Pooh's Corner so her teacher, Miss Patty says. When she talks - the boys all listen!

Emma is doing great there. She still takes long naps - so long that most of the time they have to wake her! She is eating well - I'm trying to keep up! And she is happy to see us each day when we pick her up. Normally, Zach takes her around 8 or so and I pick her up around 5:30. This is working out Great for all of us and it give her and Daddy a little quality time in the morning since he's still gone a lot at night with minor league baseball in full swing!

Mommy and Emma Playing

After one week - I've already seen changes in her. She now knows when we walk out of a room that we'll come back. She is sleeping through more noises and she seems more content to play in her crib or bouncy seat. Emma has started to grab at toys in front of her and still moves around at night and manages to get her legs out of her crib most nights! It is so cute to watch her interact with all the teachers at daycare - she loves to be talked to and will smile at Anyone! They all love her - and they all offer to help out and take Emma to thier room!

It's so nice to not have to worry about her at all during the day. I know that she is in great hands and is learning so much there - even though she's only 3 months - and Yes - we're 3 Months Old Tomorrow!!! How big we are getting!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sleeping Positions!

We start out in the middle of the bed and at 6:30 every morning - this is how we usually end up! I just thought it was cute and wanted to share!
Hope everyone has a Wonderful Mother's Day!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Emma loves her puppy!!!

Uncle Drew and Aunt Al's Visit!!!

More pictures later!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bad Mommy!

I know - I'm horrible! I haven't posted anything in the last two weeks! We've been SUPER busy and our Internet was down for a while too! But no more excuese. No pics - but here's what's been happening!

"Louisville Grandma" Barb watched Emma while I worked the Derbyfest Marathon (we hand out free beer to the runners and it's tons of fun!) and she was great. Slept the majority of the day away!

Aunt Allison and Uncle Drew came for a visit. We took Emma down to Chow Wagon that Saturday night and walked around there. Then Sunday we all went to a baseball game at Slugger (Emma's 4th game!) and then stopped by to see Daddy - and for ice cream of course! The rest of their visit we SHOPPED! Emma was a trooper and Uncle Drew took her all over the mall while Allison helped me find a Derby Dress, Hat, Jewelry - The Works!

Then we finished up our two weeks of Derbyfest with Zach working everyday from 8 AM until at least 2:30 AM! We missed our DADDY!!! Then it was DERBY Time!!! We had a BALL! Zach won on and off all day and I won $40 on the Derby race! We had a GREAT time and our FABULOUS friend Renee (and Kyle and Lauren) watched Emma all day for us!

Emma's 1st day at Almost Home Infant Daycare was Monday! She Did GREAT!!!!! Took 3 naps and at 3 bottles! She's an eating machine right now! All the girls at daycare lover her - she's the only Little girl they have! So everyone takes their turn holding her and playing! We really like her daycare and I have found it easy to return to work knowing that I LOVE where she is! Reall - work is like a little vacation for me right now - so I'm glad! Hopefully we can continue this way! Although - I'm So looking forward to the weekend so I can have her all day and night!!!

We miss everyone and hope to see all our family soon!!!!!