Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mr. Sunshine and the Circus

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baily Circus "Fully Charged" was at the KFC Yum! Center (daddy's real home) last weekend so I took the kids. We had a Blast!!! It was thier 1st circus and my first time since I was too little to remember I think!

All eyes on the show!

I wish I could try this sometime!!! It looks like so much fun!!!
This picture would have been great had a lady not walked right in front of me and took off half the photo!

My favorite part of the circus is the elephants - and more specifically the girl elephants and the stars on ther bottoms - even elephants need some bling!

So that's it - the kids were really good and had a great time. We took Collin and Renee with us - can't go out without our boyfriend. And Best of All - Zach got to hang out with us and see the show for the most part!

Now - little known circus fact...did you know that the elephants know commands in 4 languages?

And as for the Title...Mr. Sunshine...have you seen the show? From the minute the circus arrived I couldn't get this show out of my mind. I'm not sure this show is funny to anyone who isn't in the entertainment/hospitality industry - but I think it's funny. I can just picture Zach walking through the back hallways at the arena and coming across an elephant like Chandler (yes - I know how long Friends has been off the air - but he will always be Chandler!). If you haven't seen the show you can catch episodes at

Monday, April 4, 2011

March Recap

I'm not sure what to say except - I'm Sorry! I've been an awful blogger lately! Life has been keeping us busy with Zach still working a lot of hours, several illnesses and tax season being in full swing. March was pretty un-eventful - just busy. So here's just a few pictures of some of our March happenings... Loving some Chinese food! Doesn't Em looks so Grown Up! (New in March - I don't have any babies that sit in high chairs anymore...buddy is getting so big!!!)

Zach has run a few more races this year - this is after the Papa John's 10 Miler - he beat his time from last year by a few minutes even though he pulled a muscle about mile 9! Good Job Daddy!
It was cold at the race...I love the one-eye look Em's go going on!

We took the kids to Puzzles Fun Dome where they have a lot of bouncies and slides and play stuff one Sunday - they always have a blast and we spend most of our time on the "big slide." Emma want's one for the back yard!

Not amused that we're all laughing at his static hair!

Hiding his hair so we won't laugh maybe?

More sliding...

Emma and her best boy - Collin...We had Renee and Dan over for dinner on one of the few nights Zach has been home.

Doesn't it look like Collin's a little embarrased that Em is so wild!!!

Emma and her best monkey - George.

I don't know about other kids - but mine LOVE puzzles. Emma got a few new puzzles for her birthday and they are hard - and she zips right through them like it's nothing. Chase is also getting really good at his!

Okay - that's it - I promise I'll post more often. We've got quite a few things up in the air right now to talk about, some good and some bad - ah, the suspense... I'm sure you can't wait!!!