Sorry these pictures and events are a little out of order - blogger is not cooperating with my arranging today! Enjoy!!!
The Balloon Glimmer
"Too loud mama!"
not everyone can be happy or looking at the same time!
Another Thunder has come and gone and it was Wonderful!!! Grandma Denise and Papa Knute came down on Friday and we played with the kids and relaxed Friday night. Saturday we headed downtown to Slugger Field. We watched the Bats game - which I'm so glad to say my daughter still loves baseball. And she now even cheers for the Bats instead of the other team most of the time! She had a great time and we heard "Where's Buddy - where'd he go" over and over again (the mascot). Grandma, Papa Emma (and a sleeping Chase) even were on TV here during the game. Emma was a little unsure of the loud airplanes during the air show - but enjoyed seeing them. She has been running outside everyday since then saying "Airplane? Where airplane? Pretty airplanes." After the air show we headed over to my office party for a while and took in the sights from the 16th floor of the Waterfront Plaza - Great view for indoor viewing of Thunder I might add! Then we walked around downtown and headed back to Slugger to relax before the big fireworks.
Grandma and Chase having a little fun before Fireworks!
Each year I wonder if it's really worth the Very long day to see an hour of fireworks - and then after the show - YES - TOTALLY WORTH IT! They were AMAZING!!! And the view from Slugger is one of the best in the city! We have our own seats that we don't have to fight to keep all day, we have the inside club area to sit in comfy chairs and relax and play with the kids. Just an all around great day. We didn't have even one meltdown from either of the kids and I think they really enjoyed it.
Now each year - right after the fire works I say - Yes - it's worth it. But the drive home is a different story. I live a little over 20 mintues from Slugger Field. It took us almost 3 Hours to get home. UGH! And Chase was Not happy about getting into the car to sit in traffic at midnight! Oh well - it still was a great day.
Sunday we hung out with Grandma and Papa. Emma got a fever Sunday afternoon that wiped her out - so she spent most of the night just cuddling with Papa and Grandma. She was up most of the night that night and then I stayed home with her on Monday. She was pitiful and watched movies all day. Tuesday we were home again - but feeling much better.
The following 2 weeks brought many Derbyfestival events and we took the kids down twice - once to see the Balloon Glimmer. Emma loved running around, eating corndogs and watching the balloons blow up - but wasn't so happy when they started making noise to keep that hot air going! All in all - we had 2 wonderful nights down at the waterfront and hanging out with the kids and a busy 2 weeks getting ready for Derby!!!
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