Mommy and her babies!
We had the best Easter and all around best day I could have asked for yesterday! We got up and went to church at Christ Lutheran in Louisville. We really have found a "home" here and enjoy going to this church. After church we went to Starbucks and had coffe and chocolate milk and then headed home to see if the Easter Bunny had come. Emma is a Rock Star Easter egg hunter - she loves Easter! Then we had a light lunch, naps and Zach and I got some yard work done. We had an AMAZING Easter dinner and then played outside in the beautiful 80 degree weather until bedtime. Oh - on a funnier note - Chase got a Zhu Zhu hampster for Easter - if you have kids and don't have one of these - get one! It is too cute. Emma is scared to death of it - she wants to watch it but won't get near it and runs to be held when it comes near her. Chase loves it though and gets a kick out of trying to catch it as it zooms by!
Lots has happened since our last post. The kids are back in daycare full-time and LOVING it! Grandma Donna, Grandpa Randy and Aunt Grace came and visited for a long weekend. We had a great visit and the kids got some cool new toys - Emma might be the next Tiger (the golf part - not the scandal side!) after a little more practice with her new clubs. And oh - the bubbles. We're all about bubbles again this summer! Unfortunately - we got everyone sick with our stomach bug - sorry guys!
Zach's been running a lot lately. He just finished the 3rd leg of the Tripple Crown of Racing here in Louisville. He ran each one in less time than his goal and is on a great pace to run the Derbyfestival Mini-Marathon here in a few more weeks. His dedication is amazing and running has been a great outlet to his crazy work and home life right now.
Our biggest news comes in the form of new jobs for both of us. Zach is officially the GM of the new downtown arena that is being built. He has been working on this project for quite some time now and we'll hopefully see it open early in October - 10-10-10 they're saying...but officially it's a November opening. He's VERY busy running Slugger as well as taking over the arena, but hopefully he'll soon only have to worry about the arena. I have fallen right back into the working world with my new job and am loving being back. I work for a CPA firm called Strothman & Company in downtown Louisville. I'm loving being back at work and really like my new company. It's a very good place to work with wonderful people. I'm doing thier HR and Marketing and have hit the ground running. With it being tax time - we are at our "most productive" time of the year and things are really hectic there. I'm loving it!
Chase is Such a big boy these days. He is growing like crazy and doing something new every day. He sits up like a big boy and is SOOO close to crawling! He is also getting very good at push-ups while trying to figure out how to crawl! He's eating more and more new things every day and is all around a happier baby now that he can sit up.
Emma is loving being back at daycare and every day she comes home and tells us she took a nap at school. Now I don't know what they do differently - but good for them! She is learning new things every day. She now even includes "7" after 6 when counting to 10 - but now 14 comes after 10...we're working on it! And did you know "Twinkle Twinkle" is a 30 minute song! She is amazing in every way. She still really knows what she wants but is getting better at reasoning instead of throwing a tantrum.
Emma on her new motorcycle! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!!
Aren't they cute! They love to play together...or should I say Emma loves to play with Chase. Chase is a little hesitant when she hurls him across the deck!
Hope everyone had a good Easter! Check back in the next few weeks for more great photos - it's almost May and that means Thunder, Derbyfestival and Derby for all of us here in Louisville! We can't Wait!!!
That's enough for one post - sorry it's been so long. It took us a while to get settled into our new roles with two working parents again and as soon as we did our computer crashed. And I mean it wouldn't even turn on! So thankfully - I have some very wonderful techs at work. I owe them! Now we have a brand new computer since they had to completely re-do the entire thing! (I'm pretty sure the guy had never seen what happend before!)
Hope everyone had a good Easter! Check back in the next few weeks for more great photos - it's almost May and that means Thunder, Derbyfestival and Derby for all of us here in Louisville! We can't Wait!!!
1 comment:
What a fun Easter! The kiddos look so happy and Chase is getting sooo big!
And congrats on the jobs! YEAH!
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