Well - we made it! I took Emma and Chase to St Louis last Thursday to meet up with my mom and dad, Carrie, Allison and Andrew and baby Tyler. We decided to make a family trip when I found out that Zach was headed to the Superbowl for 9 days and I was going to be stuck at home - did I mention the 9 days...ugh - that's a long time! So anyway, everyone decided to meet me in St Louis since I decided that 5 hours was as far as I could go with 2 kids under the age of 2 by myself. Yes - by myself. I was feeling slightly crazy as I packed the car the night before and neither kid made it easy to get everything done and out the door on Thursday. But both kids were AMAZING in the car both ways!!! We stopped at one rest stop on the way to change diapers and feed Chase and then I had to stop quickly for gas. But those were the only stops and there was not any crying or anything the WHOLE trip!
Aunt Carrie met us Thursday night at the hotel and we went swimming and ate pizza before Grandma Denise and Grandpa Knute got there. Emma was up until at least 11 pm every night, but was a champ with little crying and fits during the day. And I have to admit - I enjoyed the cuddling at night even though I got kicked most of the night! Friday we went shopping while Grandpa Knute watched Emma - I think she wore Grandpa out more than he did her - but they were both trying to nap when we got back! Friday night Aunt Allison, Uncle Drew and baby Tyler met us for dinner and swimming. Saturday we went to my Aunt Ruth's house to eat pizza and play. We had a great time catching up with our cousins and the kids all did pretty well! After that we did a little more swimming and just hung out at the hotel.
Emma napping after playing with Grandpa
We had Emma's birthday with my family and she Loved opening gifts - of course. She got some great stuff including more Clifford books and a new big wheel motorcycle and colors for the bath! She was not so thrilled with our singing of Happy Birthday - she ran screaming and covering her ears...I guess we're not that good of singers??? And really didn't want to blow out any candles - but we ate cake anyway!
It was a great trip - but most of all we REALLY REALLY miss our Daddy! We can't wait to see him this afternoon. Now - snow snow go away - come again another day - or at least after 4 pm! How's that for a little positive thinking mom?!!? Get home soon Zach - we miss you and I'm really tired!!!
Emma Loved the pool - so that's where we spent a lot of time. She is such a water baby! I Love it! She learned to swim on her own (with her life jacket of course)! What a Big Girl!!!
I wrote this all last night and now this morning it looks like the snow didn't cooperate. We've got 4 inches - which for you Iowa people is nothing but it will completely shut down Louisville since it's still snowing now at 8 AM. Don't think this is going to help get our Daddy home - but we're still crossing our fingers!!!
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