Well - we're finally home from our 11 day holiday tour. It all started last Friday when Emma and Chase decided to wake up at 3 AM and never went back to sleep! So we all got up and hit the road (a little later than expected since Zach and I were grasping for just 15 minutes more of sleep that we never got!). After an 8 hour trip (and only stopping once for the kids to get out - beat that travelers with infants!) we met Grandpa Randy, Grandma Donna and Grace to drop a tired Emma off with them for the night. Then we headed back down to Warrensburg for the annual "Not So Silent Night" party with our friends. We had a great time and Chase did well, but of course decided not to drink from a bottle so I had a little less fun than I had planned! On Saturday, we picked up Emma and went back to Warrensburg for a day of fun at the Ward's. The boys cooked an AMAZING dinner and have a new shopping trip story with Emma and Ella that you'll have to ask them about! Who doesn't love taking a 2 and a 3 yr old shopping! We had a great night playing with all the kids and we can't thank our Warrensburg FAMILY enough. You truely are family to us and we love you all!
The girls eating at the Ward's
On Sunday we headed back to KC and spent the entire day at Grandpa Randy and Grandma Donna's. Emma and Chase made out with all their gifts! We knew we were in trouble right away because there was no way all this loot was going to fit in the car for the ride home! And of course - a few rounds of Scrabble were a blast - even though I never win! I swear Donna cheats - who could possibly know all those words!
Chase and Emma checking out Chase's new toy
Monday we hung out with Grandma Debi and just relaxed. Tuesday we hung out with Grandma Debi again and then went over to see Zach's cousins and thier kids. Emma had fun running wild in thier basement and playing with the girls. Of course we came home with presents and even some puzzles and a purse for Emma - She Loves them! That's what's she's playing with as I type this now! On the way home we drove by our old townhouse in Blue Springs and then hit Walnut street for the lights. It was perfect for Emma and we heard "pretty lights" over and over again!
Wednesday Zach and I met up with our KC Centerplate friends and had a few drinks and some good laughs while Emma played with Grandma Debi and Chase hung out with Grandma Donna. Both kids enjoyed thier own time without us around I'm sure!
Thursday we spent a rushed Christmas Eve with Grandma Debi and Randy, Sharron, Andy and Charles. The weather took a turn that morning and a Winter Blizzard was headed in so we ate, opened presents and headed to Iowa before the storm got too bad. We hated to rush but didn't want to miss getting to spend time in Iowa either. The drive home was very long and tense for Zach - 50 mile an hour winds, blowing snow and icy roads. But we got home just in time before it got too bad. And after drinks and stories - Zach and Carrie decided it was a perfect time to go sledding. 
Getting all geared up for the cold - nice blue snow pants babe!
Partners in crime - don't they look cute and warm - for now at least!
Snow angel on the drift on the deck
We had hoped to attend Christmas Eve church this year - but it was canceled (the 1st time ever I think) so we hung out with Grandma Denise and Grandpa Knute instead. Christmas day we actually postponed our large family Christmas too - so dad plowed his way over to pick up Great Grandma Pete and we had our immediate family all day snowed in for our own Christmas - also a 1st! With more presents and more food - how could anyone complain. We stayed snowed in on Saturday and just spend time with the family. Carrie, Zach and I decided to take Emma sledding - I think she liked it but who could tell with all that stuff on!
Tyler's 1st bath in Grandma Denise's kitchen sink - he seemed to like it!
Emma for the 1st time in real snow!
Emma's 1st time sledding - I think she liked it but how could you tell with all that stuff on!
Sunday we had baby Tyler's baptism in the morning and then we had our large family Christmas with all the Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents. Baptism went well - no babies cried and Tyler did great up there. Zach and I were sponsors so when we went up front - Emma noticed us up there and everyone heard "Mama - Dada - Ifford (Clifford - the big red dog which she's obsessed with). At Grandma Pete's we had Great food, way too many presents, and lots of fun. It was great to see Emma and Lauren (who are pretty much the same age) play and run around. I can't wait to see it next year when Tyler and Chase are big enough to join in!
Lauren and Emma at Grandma Pete's
Daddy and Chase
Emma, Me, Great Grandma Pete, Chase and Grandma Denise
Emma and Lauren kissing goodbye
Monday we headed home. Sad to go but ready to be back in our own house with much less Christmas cookies and treats around! It was a long drive - but in the end not too bad for traveling with 2 kids under 2 for 11+ hours. It only took us less than an hour longer than it does mom and dad when they only stop once - so not too bad!
1 comment:
Great pictures! It looks like you guys had a good trip. It was so nice to see everyone and to meet Chase. He is so cute and Emma is getting so big.
P.S. Love Chase's car shirt. :o)
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