Emma started sleeping in her toddler bed on Saturday. So far it's gone pretty well. It's taking some time to get her to sleep at night, but getting better each night. Today for her nap I just laid her down after lunch like I normally do in her crib and walked out and shut the door. She cried for a minute and then the room went quiet. I'm hoping that means she's in her bed sleeping! And last night around 11 PM I heard a big Thud and went in and she had fallen out. She was sitting on her rug rubbing her eyes looking puzzled. I put her back in bed and she fell right back asleep - so we're ahead of where we were the last time we tried this transition.
Not much else new going on here. I had a doctor appointment on Monday and little buckaroo is doing great. I gained another pound - making the total 10 lbs so far. My goal is to stay around 15 so with 5 weeks left to go that seems possible. We have set the date for August 27th so it's right around the corner!!!
Friday and Emma saying Goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa
I love the pictures of her in the water, but the one with Friday is absolutely precious.
The last picture is soo cute!! Love it!
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