Okay - so it snows once - Maybe twice a year here in Louisville. But this year we actually have snow that is sticking to the ground. We got about a foot of snow overnight on Friday night and Saturday morning. Zach had to shovel the driveway - which he secretly loved I know! And of course, his driveway looked the best in the entire neighborhood!

Zach even had to shovel Friday a path on the deck so she could get to the backyard later in the day because the snow was almost above her body! It was pretty cute to see her try to get through it all!

Of course - a pic of Emma! I can't post without a picture of her!!! Her daddy sure does love her!!! Unfortunatley, Emma and I are on our own this week. Zach is Super busy with Centerplate's National Meeting this week and is even staying in hotel downtown Monday and Tuesday nights. Emma and I are going to miss him - but hopefully mommy will get a lot done while he's gone and Emma will be a good little sleeper at night (prayers for me please!)! She has been doing GREAT at nigth - Sleeping almost 6 hours straight on Thursday night and sleeping for almost 4 hours stretches a few other nights. I have been SOO glad to get some sleep - but I actully find myself waking up when I think she should be up (every 2 - 3 hours) wondering if she's still sleeping! I'm working on sleeping through it like she is!

1 comment:
So how's her weight doing?? Looks like she must be getting satisfied if she's sleeping so well!! G's a good sleeper so far too- we'll see if that lasts!
I'm secretly (or not so secretly) SO GLAD it's not us that got that snow!
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