We have been busy. And I'm finding that it is exactly what we've needed! Here's some photos to show what we've been up to...
Emma had to do a little shopping with me the other day and she hates shopping! But she did find this...it made for a few laughs! Who would really buy this....seriously!
This little man loves his new birthday gifts...
This guy misses his friends...so the kids and I arranged a little pretend visit. Their smiling faces are still hanging out in the living room and sometimes I feel like they are staring at me! Creepy! Time for a real visit boys!!
I got a haircut...a much needed haircut! Goodbye daily messy pony!
These two both love school and are making new friends every day. That makes me smile!
I think they are finally starting to feel like California is home!
The kids started soccer too...
This boy likes when it's Emma practice night because he gets to play transformers in the dirt!
That's a little of what's been happening here. We had a visit from my parents last week...we needed a little family love and are sad the visit didn't last longer!