The week before Christmas, Grandpa Randy and Grandma Donna came to visit! We didn't have too much planned other than hanging out and catching a little basketball - but Chase ended up adding a trip for he and Grandpa to see Dr. Joe for a little case of Strep throat. We had a great time - as always - and really missed them when the headed back home. We can't wait for them to visit again...soon...hear that Grandpa...Soon!
Here's a few photos of thier trip...

Emma cheesin it up at the UofL game...she's good for only about 1/2 a game and then she's over it!

This little man is good for the whole game and then some - he LOVES baseketball!

Emma and her scary monster face - I think she was getting bored!

Me and my babes!

Grandma Donna, Emma and Papa Randy

Sassy Little Cheerleader!
While they were here - we of course celebrated Christmas #2 for the year.

Now I can have coffee right away in the morning when we camp - Thank the Lord!!!

Chase in his Tonka box - he fit perfectly!

The kids each got a Dora and Diego backpack as well as a talking Dora and Diego - they run around the house exploring and saving baby animals on the weekends now!

Buzz jamies

Dora jamies
It was a great visit and we miss you guys - sorry we got everyone sick!!!
Christmas #3 to come - check back soon!!!