Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best Friends

Now that the kids are getting a little older - they really are becoming best friends. It's fun to watch them plan and interact and even SHARE with each other!

And you can't just have one Bestie - you Must have 2!
We're so lucky to have Collin!!!

(They were watching Rio and I thought these pics were so cute in sequence)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice was at the Yum!Center last week so of course we had to go! Sometimes there really are good perks to having a husband who works a LOT!

To say that Emma liked it is a Complete Understatement! She LOVED it. And Chase really enjoyed it too! We had a suite so the kids had a little more freedom to play so that was nice too.

(I'm a bad mom - these are the only pics I have...oh well - anyone suprised! :) )

Look at the sheer excitement on her face - she was like that all night!

Nothing like making your staff watch and feed your kids when they're in your building!
Sorry Art and Keith!

Little man loving the show!

It was a magical night for Emma for sure and I know one she'll remember for a while. I love watching the kids make memories!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Photos by Emma

Emma has been taking Lots of photos lately. She's actually really good most of the time. So I think we know what a certain jolly man should bring her for Christmas this year!
Check out some of her ART below...


"Yo Emma"
"Just A Boy"

"Shh...Daddy's Working"

Here's a few from the 15K that Zach ran last weekend - and BTW - He Did AWESOME!!! Ran over 9 miles in about an hour and 4 minutes!!! We went to cheer him on at the finish and here's a few shots from Emma's view...


(Look at how centered and focused this one is - cracks me up what she decides to take photos of...and no - we don't know any of those runners - just a random shot of the refreshments table!)

"Froot Loops"

She has a ton more - but I thought it was time I finally showcased some of her talent!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to Buschwood Estates

Welcome to Buschwood Estates!

So 1st - Guess what Movie!

Now - Our Buschwood Estates is located in Iowa on a piece of land that my dad owns. I'm sure this idea has been in the making for longer than I can even imagine - but in the past couple of years it's finally happened! My dad built a pond - or Lake - whatever you want to call it. And it is WONDERFUL!

We went back to Iowa in early August and got to have our 1st family lake outing. I'm sure there are Many more to come!

Let me take you on a small tour!

The view from the cabin~

Vallet Parking...

Water Vallet (just in case you float too far away from the dock)...

A few of us who needed that water vallet...

Me and my little man...not the biggest fan of the water
but had an AWESOME time as the vallet driver...

The Newman's - arent' they cute!

All of us!

The beach (well - close to it anyway)...

The dock...perfect for ...


(I give him a 10 for style - I mean really -look at that pink noodle!)

That's the end of the short tour - there will be more to come in the next few years. There is already a cabin with a kitchen and a working bathroom (the ladies favorite part). There is a fire pit, a grill to cook on and so much more. We can't wait to go back next summer!!!

And I can't end the post without a little farmer update...

Meet my farmer...

Ride with Papa - Absolutely Anytime!

"Papa take me see horsey"

Chase is still talking about the farm and the horses, cows and morning coffee with all the other farmers Every Day! I'm pretty sure he'd move back there without us if Papa and Grandma would let him!