The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baily Circus "Fully Charged" was at the KFC Yum! Center (daddy's real home) last weekend so I took the kids. We had a Blast!!! It was thier 1st circus and my first time since I was too little to remember I think!
My favorite part of the circus is the elephants - and more specifically the girl elephants and the stars on ther bottoms - even elephants need some bling!
Now - little known circus fact...did you know that the elephants know commands in 4 languages?
And as for the Title...Mr. Sunshine...have you seen the show? From the minute the circus arrived I couldn't get this show out of my mind. I'm not sure this show is funny to anyone who isn't in the entertainment/hospitality industry - but I think it's funny. I can just picture Zach walking through the back hallways at the arena and coming across an elephant like Chandler (yes - I know how long Friends has been off the air - but he will always be Chandler!). If you haven't seen the show you can catch episodes at