Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas #3

Our 3rd and final Christmas this year was in Iowa with Grandma Nesie and Papa Knute! I took the kids back by myself for a long New Years weekend. The trip started off a little rocky when we went to get on the airplane and Emma decided she wasn't so sure about getting on. So if you can piture it - I Hurled her onto the plane with one arm while carrying Chase, 2 bags and other things! A Wonderful woman sitting in the front row in her army fatigues offered to carry her back to our seats for me (as she was Screaming!) and I walked down the isle of the promising to everyone on the plane that she wouldn't scream the entire flight...hopefully! Anway, we sat down - Emma in the windown and me and Chase next and had an open seat in our isle - which was great. Emma was a Champ - she loved looking out the window and absolutely loved flying - especially taking off! We had a layover in Chicago that lasted 3 hours instead of the planned 2 - so that was a little rocky - but we made it. I have to say I'm a BIG fan of the kids area that Southwest Airlines provides. Small table and chairs - TV on to the Cartoon channel and somewhat of a secure area that made it easy for me to keep the kids in one place without too much trouble. Thanks Southwest!!!

We landed in Omaha and waiting there was Granda, Papa , Aunt Carrie and Josh. We were all Very excited to see them! Emma was a little more excited to see Papa Knute...but we won't hold that against her!

We spent the night in Stanton and then headed to Des Moines the next day to get family pictures taken and then went to Allen Lundgren's wedding on New Year's Eve. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so glad we got to celebrate with them - Congrats Allen and Libby!

Josh and Aunt Carrie

The kids coloring at the reception

We were joined by these 2 crazy girls - Nicole and Erin!

Me and my Sisters!

Josh and Chase with his "Cheese" face!

I'm not sure what face this...but I had to include it Erin!!!

Aunt Carrie and Emma practicing thier New Year's moment! Emma did a lot of practicing!

And this guy just couldn't make it - asleep before 11!

Not this guy - Tyler partied it up until after midnight!

Emma and Aunt Carrie doing a little dancing (I wish I could dance in my jammies!)

Happy New Year!!!

The next day we had Christmas at Aunt Al and Uncle Drew's house. The kids were EXHAUSTED but determined to get through the piles of gifts!!!

Tyler got a new Chair!

Emma was tuckered and took a 3+ hour nap in her new Dora sleeping bag.

After some naps - we had to break out Chase's new toy - this thing is GREAT!

The boys had to sport some football attire - Go ISU!

Phones for you...

Nevermind - it's for me!

Time to go back home - there's our plane!

Thank you Grandma Nesie for waiting with us for our trip home!

Looke at these big kids! They're amazing and were Very good on our trip. I couldn't have asked for it to go much better!

Loves her window seat!

So that's it - Christmas is officially over! We had a good run but I'm glad that we're getting back to normal now. Well - back to as normal as it can be at our house. Zach's still working hard and lots of hours. Here's hoping that 2011 brings Zach home a little more and lot's of Love to everyone!

We miss you ALL!