Thursday, December 30, 2010
Buddy Paige - You're a Big Boy!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas #2
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas #1
The kids even got Grandma Debi to play "Ready, Set, Go!" which means you sit on the floor and they both run at you full speed and expect you to catch them without killing yourself!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Cookies & the First Sledding of 2010
We finally got enough snow to sled (notice that it's definately not Iowa snow) so Emma went out with the neighbors for a little fun! This Very little amount of snow came with a day of no school - so Zach got to spend the day at home with them! I think they had fun just having him home by themselves while I had to go to work for a change!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Night Out for Mommy
Emma in her Dora jams with her "backpack" on before I left for the night!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
2010 Breeder's Cup
Zach and I got to go to the Breeder's Cup which was held here in Louisville this year. It was so much fun. Good friends, good drinks and a Wonderful day to spend with my husband who I rarely see these days.
Thanks Babe for spending the day with me - Totally worth getting up at 5 am and driving 5 hours to spend it with You!
A Trip with Mom
All comfy in the car watching movies
Little man doing a little of his own relaxing on the trip - he's still rear facing so he coudn't see the movies - he didn't like that so much! (PS - Chase is really too big for this car seat but I'm struggling to find a convertable (rear and forward) car seat that I feel safe placing in my car rear facing...any suggestions anyone?)
(Of course she has another sucker...why wouldn't she!)
Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Do it for my Mom...
For those of you who know know our story. But for those of you who do's the Very short version.
Twelve years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery, radiation, chemo and then more radiation - She Won her Battle. She is a Survivor in Every sense of the word. Shortly after my mom's diagnosis, her mother was diagnosed. She is now an 11 year Survivor.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Daddy for a Day!
We had our daddy home for one unexpected day and we made the most of it! We took the kids to the Science Center in Louisville where the main attraction right now is Sesame Street "The Body." The kids got to learn about the body by running around and playing different games. We Love it! This was our first time to the Science Center in Louisville - but definately not our last. I think once the weather gets cooler we'll go back again. Plus the Sesame Street exhibition is there until January I think - they would love going back to it again.