Cheesy Grin at the Drive-In
Emma had her 1st night at the drive in last Thursday night. It was a beautiful night and Zach had taken the day off so we spent the day swimming with Jack and Peter and then headed to the drive-in. Unfortunately the closest one is in Indiana - but it's only about 40 minutes away. So we left right about bedtime for Emma - hoping she would actually fall asleep on the car ride and snooze through the movie...No Such Luck!!! She was too excited to be going somewhere I guess. But she was really good the whole night. She fought sleep and stayed awake for all of the new Transformers movie. We left around 12:30 am after the movie (too late to stay for the 2nd movie) and Emma instantly fell asleep on the ride home. Nice spot for a tree right?
Another 1st in the last few weeks - we had a tree fall on our house...well, it was really a little more than 1/2 a tree...but none the was still on our house. Emma had to miss swimming for a few days because, as you can see, it fell on her pool. Our neighbors cut and pulled it off the house and deck and we spent a few hours on Father's day cutting and bundling branches to get it out of the back yard. Hard work - but the tree is gone and no real damage was done.No Swimming this week I guess...
We're taking it easy this week and enjoying Zach being home at night. He has a 2 game homestand starting on Thursday - and then just a few events between now and the 10th. On the 10th startes a LONG July schedule with 19 games in like 25 days or we're getting all our daddy love we can before then!
Monday, June 29, 2009
A few more 1st's...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Emma's 1st Camping Trip!
More Visitors = More Fun!
This kid has no fear of water and Loves the spalsh park!
This has nothing to do with Carrie's visit - but My Kid LOVES Corn on the Cob! Each time we eat it she amazes me more! She now eats all by herself - and she eats the ENTIRE thing! BY HER SELF! You'll see more corn pictures in the next post about our camping trip!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Our 1st Pool
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Trip to Iowa
This is the site of the new pond...uh..lake...better known as Grandpa's latest project! We can't wait to see water! Hopefully in the next few years you'll be seeing pictures of our family fishing, camping and paddling around on a lake in this very spot and then this picture will make more sense! But now - it's a field...Again - Get to work Grandpa!!! Boy is he going to be busy this year!
Emma, Aunt Al and I drove the long drive back to Louisville on Sunday. Emma was Wonderful! She slept a ton (because Grandpa kept her up late the night before we left playing!). And when she wasn't sleeping she watched a few movies and had fun dancing to the music. We turned her carseat around for the trip home and she Loved being able to see us. I've still got her rear facing in my car because she's still not even reached 20 lbs yet! Someday soon we'll probably get a new carseat and turn around in mine too - but no rush! We're growing up too quick these days!
More pictures to come of Al's visit and Emma's new pool!!!