Last week we went home for Zach's sister's High School Graduation! It was a quick trip for Zach, who drove us home on Friday and flew out on Tuesday morning. But we packed a whole lot into the trip to KC while he was there. Unfortunately our trip started out a little rocky - Emma had gotten shots on Thursday and had a fever that evening that kept us up at night and was still hanging on the next morning. She got sick after about an hour in the car on Friday morning so that was our 1st stop of the day - poor girl. But after that I think she felt a little better for the ride. Then right after we got her all cleaned up - Zach realized that he booked his flight home wrong (he had himself flying from Louisville to KC on Tuesday - OOPS!). So after almost an hour on the phone - we finally just had Renee get online and book us another flight going the right direction - thanks Renee! When we finally got to KC we went out with some friends while Grandma Debi took a pitiful Emma home to bed. She slept through the night this one night - but that was about it before our teeth (2 sets of molars coming in now) started bothering us for the next few nights.
On Saturday we went over to Rodney and Jenni's house for lunch and to play with the kids - Emma had a ball playing with them! Then we went to see the New Royals Stadium that night! Other than Emma not feeling well and me missing most of the game with a squirmer - it was great. The stadium is a MUST SEE even if you don't like the Royals!
Royals Stadium behind the fountains - not the best picture but it really is beautiful!
Playing with bubbles at Grandma Debi's house
Then on Sunday we went to Grace's graduation party - Emma had a ball playing outside with all the kids. She loved hiding under the table and playing with Grandpa Randy the most though!
I think she likes Grandpa's hat better!
You can't ever have too much to drink!
Playing under the table
Emma and Gradpa Randy
Monday night was the graduation - which we've decided that Uncle Randy is an Emma Whisperer - she didn't make a PEEP! I told him he now has to attend ever event with us that she needs to sit still through!
On Tuesday Zach flew home and Emma and I visited Mira and Griffon before heading to Iowa! We always have fun at their house and wish we could play more often!!!