If you didn't take a close look at the 1st picture - look again! Yes - that's right - Emma is going to be a Big Sister!!! And she is more excited than she looks in the pic! She was not happy about having to take photos during Animal Craker time!
Our due date is September 4th, but we'll schedule another c-section the last week of August. And if you're thinking - "Oh, do it on My Birthday!" - WRONG - we have about 10 family birthdays in a span of two weeks and we're going to try our best not to have #2 on anyone's birthday. So quit asking Grandma Debi and Grandpa Knute!!!
So far the pregnancy has been going well - I'm less sick than with Emma and otherwise just tired. I'm almost 13 weeks along so I'm hoping the sickness will soon be gone and I can get back to eating normal foods without feeling sick! We heard the heartbeat a few weeks ago and and got to see #2 on an ultrasound - but it just looks like a little ball at this point!
Enough about that - now onto the real news! We had another birthday party for Emma while Grandma Denise and Grandpa Knute were down. Emma had a ball and THANK YOU to everyone who sent gifts and cards and money! I'll eventually get around to getting some thank you emails and calls! Here's some pictures of this party!
I Really like Cake!
I made birthday cupcakes this time (Thanks for the help Grandma). We also made a little heart cake out of the leftover batter.
We've had so much going on lately - which is why I've been slacking on the posting. Another reason is because I've been exhausted! But I'll try to be better about posting!
Emma got sick last Sunday and on Monday at what was suposed to be our 12 month check-up - Dr Joe said she had RSV and a very severe ear infection. So she didn't get her shots - but she did get weighed - she's only 16lbs and 14 oz. Dr Joe's comment is that she's going to be in a rear facing carseat until her senior prom! Hear head has grown and she's gotten taller so we're just going to keep an eye on her weight. She also is borderline anemic - so we're going back in 6 weeks to hopefully get our shots and to test for anemia again and to check our weight. Hopefully it's just because we were sick! So after staying home Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - she finally started her new school on Thursday. She did great - made friends with the other 4 kids in her class and is now eating better and using a sippy cup consistently. It's amazing what kids learn by being around other kids. We really like this school and are excited to see what Emma learns in the next few months at school!
That's all for now - Hope everyone is doing well!