11 Months Old!!!
Like my LL Cool pant leg! :)
Like my Outfit Grandma Debi! It's been great for this cold weather we've been having!
Emma napping with Daddy this morning - what a cutie!
It's official - 1 month away from our 1st Birthday!!! Emma is getting to be such a big girl. We've been saying for months now that she's so close to walking - and I think this picture shows how close. Yes - that's Emma standing on her own. She can walk a few steps on her own without crashing - but it always ends the same way! Nothing much else going on here - Emma was sick today and slept in till 8:30 - and then immediately fell asleep again on Daddy - then took 2 really long naps after that, which is really unusual since we struggle for her to take one hour long nap a day usually. She seemed to perk up this evening though so we must be okay!
Like my Outfit Grandma Debi! It's been great for this cold weather we've been having!
Emma napping with Daddy this morning - what a cutie!
We can't wait to 2 of our grandmas for our birthday next month!!!