(Mom, Dad and Emma at THUNDER Over Louisville)
Emma got to experience THUNDER Over Louisville for the 1st time!!! I think she might have been the youngest baby there and I know tons of people looked at me like I was a horrible mother! Oh well - won't be the last time I'm sure! Let me explain...
Grandma and Grandpa Hallquist came to visit this weekend and to watch Emma on Friday morning so I could go help out daddy with preperations for Thunder. Daddy has been sooo busy with getting ready for Thunder and Opening Day for the Bats (Slugger Field) was on Friday as well. On Friday, it was 75 and Sunny in the afternoon - so we decided at the very last minute to take Emma to Opening Day - Her very 1st of a million Baseball games! (Of course - I am a bad mom and didn't pack the camera! Many more so it's okay!) It got chilly that night - but we snuggled and of course have the opportunity to be inside and not out in the cold.

(Grandma and Grandpa Hallquist and Emma at the Hotel for THUNDER!)
On Saturday morning, Zach called us to let us know that his hotel room at the Galt House had a view of the 2nd street bridge and the Ohio River - which is where THUNDER fireworks show and the air show all takes place. He was so suprised to have the view he made a few phone calls and got us passes for the hotel (due to security you have to have a wristband to get in), a parking pass for the hotel and an extra room key. We rushed around to get ready and headed downtown! Of course the weather was cloudy, 50 degrees and Windy. So it was pretty chilly even with warm coats on down by the river. We bundled Emma in her snow suit (which is still SOOO Big on her) and put her in her stroller with lots of blankets and off we were. We walked around, ate, and watched the air show. Then back to the hotel to play and warm up - and then back out to eat dinner and see Daddy a little more. We watched the Thunder fireworks from the hotel and it was WONDERFUL!!! Emma slept through it - but we can still say she got to be there!

(playing in the hotel with Grandma)
Good news - The Colic is Gone!!!! At least for the past few days she has been a WONDERFUL baby! My Emma is BACK!!!
We go to see Dr Joe tomorrow and Emma has to get a few shots. It's our 2 month visit!!! I'll update more then!