Thanksgiving is Over - but the leftovers will be around for a while! Yes - we did make a Turkey and Ham for only 3 people! Zach's mom, Debi, came down to visit for the weekend and got abused - she had to help cook, go shopping with me on Black Friday at 4:30 AM, and help us put up ALL the Christmas decorations. Poor Debi - I bet she'll think twice the next time we ask her to visit!
Our New TREE - Thanks Mom!

On Friday after Thanksgiving, we continued our tradition of going to Churchill and I kept my tradition of losing money! I think Debi was the only one who won and it wasn't anything to quit your job over! We did have a sad 1st at the track as well - we had to see our 1st horse break an ankle and had to be put down on the track. It was sad so we decided to end our day there.
Zach and Val at the Track
Zach and Debi at the track
Thanksgiving is Over - but the leftovers will be around for a while! Yes - we did make a Turkey and Ham for only 3 people! Zach's mom, Debi, came down to visit for the weekend and got abused - she had to help cook, go shopping with me on Black Friday at 4:30 AM, and help us put up ALL the Christmas decorations. Poor Debi - I bet she'll think twice the next time we ask her to visit!
Our New TREE - Thanks Mom!
On Friday after Thanksgiving, we continued our tradition of going to Churchill and I kept my tradition of losing money! I think Debi was the only one who won and it wasn't anything to quit your job over! We did have a sad 1st at the track as well - we had to see our 1st horse break an ankle and had to be put down on the track. It was sad so we decided to end our day there.
Zach and Val at the Track
We finished up the weekend doing a few more things in the baby room (painted a lamp and put up some blinds and stuff) and cleaning up the house. Back to the real world tomorrow. On the baby front - she's getting big! She's moving around a lot - but still sitting REALLY low - I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable depending on what position she's in. I still love being pregnant though.
We go in for another ultrasound on December 6th - More to come then!